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My medical approach

The importance of prevention

One of the cornerstones of my medical profession as a gynecologist in Milan and Florence is undoubtedly that of prevention, pursued mainly through the prescription of a correct diet and lifestyle. Even in the presence of conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome, I mainly recommend an integrated program of diet and physical activity and, only later, medications, which are also very useful.

Photocredits: Emiliano Nesi


My main fields of interest

My main fields of interest and medical specialization are: management of physiological and at-risk  pregnancy , multiple abortion ,  reproductive medicine,  gynecological endocrinology from youth to  menopause  and gynecological and obstetric ultrasound, as well as acupuncture in gynecology and obstetrics  or for alterations of the menstrual cycle, and  forensic medicine.

I believe that most benign gynecological pathologies should be treated conservatively, without resorting to surgery, which in any case must be as least invasive as possible. Invasive operations such as hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) in the presence of fibroids and metrorrhagia, without having attempted the numerous medical therapies available today, in women who are still young, perhaps in their forties, are measures from other times that constitute a failure of medicine preventive, or solutions due to interests that go beyond medical purposes and that I undertake to oppose: some of my publications particularly demonstrate this commitment.

Respect for the choices of women and couples: 

Maximum respect for everyone’s choices and for the self-determination of women and couples – especially in terms of fertility, procreation and pregnancy – is another founding principle of my work. The doctor’s task, in my opinion, is essentially that of providing information in the most objective way possible, without bringing out his own ethical and moral point of view. So, without condition, I always try to explain the pros and cons of each choice and, with the same consistency, refraining from judging the painful choices of women, I am a doctor not a conscientious objector as regards the very delicate issue of abortion under law 194 / 78.

As a doctor and a woman, I have always supported and followed my patients’ maternity and assisted fertilization choices, from egg donation to embryo donation: more than one person has turned to me because they felt judged elsewhere for their choices, and here they found I listen.

I also believe that it is necessary to do everything possible so that each of my patients can fulfill her desire for motherhood with the means that science makes available today: in fact, with the latest therapeutic advances, many “cases” once considered  hopeless  can happily evolve positively and allow women to finally crown their dream.

My approach to integrative medicine: 

Furthermore, I have been dealing with acupuncture for gynecology and obstetrics for years, and many of my patients who have chosen assisted procreation have benefited and supported this medical discipline: experience has taught me that there is no single Medical Science and that Western medicine can, and often should, be accompanied by other alternative medicines, each of which can contribute to the well-being of the person. Therefore, I embarked on the path of traditional Chinese medicine which is of great help to me in many obstetric-gynecological situations.

My clinical experience is documented in a book, written in collaboration with Franco Cracolici, vice president of WFAS (World Federation of Acupuncture Societies). At the Madra Center in Florence and the Treeoflife Center in Milan, I can combine a personalized program of needle sessions with the assisted procreation course, or courses designed to treat ailments such as headaches, gynecological problems of various kinds, as well as to cessation of smoking.

Follow me also on my Facebook and LinkedIn page for real-time updates and video news.


For a medical consultation or gynecological visits you can contact me here or book online.

As an obstetric gynecologist I receive my patients every week in the offices of Milan and Florence.

Dottoressa Chiara Riviello

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