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Office visit in Milan or Florence - or online consultations

Click directly on , choose location, date and time and book a visit to the offices in Milan or Florence or a consultation via the Web*.
You will receive a confirmation email.

Payment Methods: Credit Card, Cash

Chiara Riviello -

*When should I use an Online Medical Consultancy:

  • To check blood sample or other exams already done like ultrasound, MRI
  • To have clinical advice in situation where you don’t need visit or ultrasound
  • If you need a second opinion about a diagnosis or therapy
  • If you need more information on several items such as contraception, menopause, infertility, prevention of Sexual transmitted disease
  • If you are planning a pregnancy, to have more information on preconception test and things to do
  • If you have fertility problems, to understand if you need IVF, which technique is suitable for you and which exams you need to do.
  • If you are pregnant and want to know more about prenatal test, ultrasound and things to do and not to do in pregnancy.

It is also possible to book an online consultation by email by writing to   and indicating the preferred days and time slots.

Online consultations are cheap and widely used even in the summer period, when (period 3-28 August) the clinics are closed. From Monday to Saturday, you can book an English speaking online consultation, through video calls, no matter where you are.


Emergency situation or any situation you need an ultrasound or clinical check, such as, pain, bleeding, or in case of new symptoms you didn’t have before.

Where do I receive

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    Ambulatorio di preferenza

    By submitting this form, I give my consent to the processing of data in it. Data will be used exclusively by Dr. Chiara Riviello, for the sole purpose of communication between the parts. These data will not be stored in electronic or paper format. Only the received e-mail will be preserved, you can request its deletion at any time. Explicit consent in accordance with Legislative Decree 196/2003.
    (Without the consent it is not possible to proceed in sending the request)
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